Meaning of the idiom wore a poker face

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He wore a poker face—one that said he held four aces. Frenchie was beaten badly by old Tom who Mrs. Rinaldi struck with a poker, but she was more troubled that he bled on her carpet than by sobbing Frenchie huddled in the corner and Tom, who remained near-dead when his friends dragged him out into the snowy night.

Useful Idioms - American Literature A selection of idioms and their meaning, for students and English language learners ... to mark a place in a book, or something from paper with corners worn with use ..... your actions reveal your intentions very clearly (opposite of "poker- face") ... A Reference Guide to American English Idioms - Illinois Courts Synonyms are expressions that have the same meaning as the idiom. ... The expression originates from card games like poker, in which players might ...... worn out. 1. Scott just couldn t face another semester studying chemistry. He had taken ... how can I develop a poker face at work? — Ask a Manager

Poker face - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

What Does Poker Face Mean? - Writing Explained Poker face definition. What is the meaning of poker face? Learn this English idiom along with other words and phrases at Writing Explained. What is poker face? idioms - Idiomatic expression meaning to not reveal emotions ... "He wore / put on / displayed his best poker face during the trial." ... stiff upper lip: self-restraint in the expression of emotion (especially fear or ...

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poker face (plural poker faces) An impassive facial expression cultivated to prevent other players from determining whether one's actions in the game are the result of a quality hand, or of bluffing. Though he thought he had a perfect poker face, he had a number of tells his opponents soon learned. Lady Gaga - Poker Face Lyrics Meaning - Lyric Interpretations Poker Face is about many things. Lady Gaga has been asked many times the meaning of this song and she has given several different answers. First and foremost, it is obvious that lyrically Poker Face is about sex and gambling; or more specifically, sex, with the use of gambling metaphors. Punctuation | Definition of Punctuation by Merriam-Webster — Vogue, "Hotel Vivier Lands in New York and Opens in Style," 13 Dec. 2018 Analyzing everything from changes in personal style, arm freckle pattern, handwriting, and eye shape, to Avril’s choice of words and punctuation on Twitter, fans have built a serious case for some of kind of switcheroo.

Videos In this video, the viewer will learn how to arrange their cards so they have the best house edge. This is also called the “House Way” and these are the rules the … Learn everything there is to know about dealing Pai-Gow Poker with …

Poker face - definition of poker face by The Free Dictionary poker face n. A face lacking any interpretable expression, as that of an expert poker player. pok′er·faced′ (pō′kər-fāst′) adj. poker face n informal a face without expression, as that of a poker player attempting to conceal the value of his cards pok′er face` n. a face that shows no emotion or intention. [1880–85, Amer.] pok′er-faced ... Poker face | Definition of Poker face at A visage lacking any expression that can be interpreted, as in Whenever Betty attended one of her children's performances, she managed to keep a poker face.This term alludes to the facial expression of a poker player who is expert at concealing his feelings about his hand. Poker face - Idioms by The Free Dictionary A visage lacking any expression that can be interpreted, as in Whenever Betty attended one of her children's performances, she managed to keep a poker face .This term alludes to the facial expression of a poker player who is expert at concealing his feelings about his hand.